My Dear Friends
The words that you have read here on my homepage have
been an accumulation of my thoughts for quite a few years.
As you have already noticed there are many moods within the
lines written and they surely did change on a daily basis. I
never thought much of ever writing my thoughts down until
recently and I find that since I started and I have the chance
to go back on occasion and revisit what I have written, that it
has helped me to find the path to a much happier life for me
and all who surround me. Don't get me wrong, I still find myself
waking up sometimes on an unfamiliar path but it seems
to be much easier to find my way home now. We all deserve to be
happy in this very short life we have here on earth and I found
my happiness after many years of not understanding what I needed
to be happy. Take the time to listen and heed what your heart
tells you. My children are my blessing for they have stood by me
inspite of some of the decisions I have made and for that I am so
very grateful. Take a moment to
sit back and smell the roses, for
they always bloom in your heart and soul for you to enjoy forever..
I hope you all find what you seek and in enough
time to enjoy it.....God Bless you all and be happy, for
life is too short for anything else......Jim Nunley |