Our souls seem to drift in many directions from time to time,but when we gather together,and enjoy each other,we must just
Let It Be...

The heart is a very gentle place,soft and caring,so when a friend comes to you with a gleam in their eye and a smile on their face,turn to them,open your arms,and just
Let It Be

The path of life is quite an amazing journey. Filled with many side streets and stop signs. Many times we tend to wonder down a street to search for an answer to some questions that burn deep in our hearts. Sometimes they are answered,and sometimes not. But we always seem to wake up back on the main path to travel again to the horizon where we may find the true meaning of life. And as we come to the stop signs along the way. It gives us time to reflect on the past and how it shapes our future. For everything before molds us and allows us to make decisions on what is to come.Not to very long ago a very special friend said to me, "Jim, looking outward to solve your problems is a galliant effort, but they will all be solved from within. Your soul holds all the answers to all the questions. Reach deep inside youself and find your direction"...It seems the further I travel down the path, the more I realize the friend was right. And as I do so I am finding out more about myself than I ever knew was there. For you must be happy within your own heart before you transmit your happiness to others..I know that now and am still working on just that. And when I reach the mountian peak of total awareness, it will be a blessing I will soon not forget. For life is a gambit of highs and lows..but all nessasary to create a total package. So as you travel along the path and seem to be stuck in a pothole with no answers ...reach deep my friends, for the answer is in your heart, waiting for you to draw it out and help you on your way........

It just sat there, purched high on a tree tops. Looking to the golden grass blowing in the gentle morning breeze below. The sun glistened brightly on it's almond colored feathers. Just then I drifted into a daydream. Walking in the same field with the man who has always been the strength in my life. My father. He looked at me and putting his hand on my shoulder and said, seemingly in a voice resembling thinking out loud, "Oh to be a hawk, to be a hawk". Just then the hawk jumped from his purch and took to the air, soaring free, and awoke me from my dream. I smiled, with a tear in my eye, and thought....Oh to be a hawk, soaring free, just like my father.....

*The balance of life*
*Is man's marriage to nature*
*All must be equal*


Imagine a world with compassionate heart,
touched by God's ways,right from the start.
Imagine all peoples to sit down and listen,
to sorrows we feel for things we are missing.
Imagine no hatred,which all can recall,
just love and peace for one and all.
Imagine no poor or unfortunate souls,
with no one to stop us from reaching our goals.
Imagine no cheating,no lies or deceit,
being a team,no thoughts of defeat.
Imagine no hunger and only good health,
working as one,this can be our wealth.
Imagine the skies so clean and clear,
to take a deep breath without any fear.
Imagine our oceans in sailing ship days,
without all the garbage that sits and decays.
Imagine this planet where we,took control,
and think of our children,we leave here to stroll.
Imagine world leaders to see what we see,
to face all these problems,what this world could be.
Imagine these thoughts,just for awhile,
the world would rejoice,and live with a smile.


My Boys.


My Thoughts In Verse.


What I do for a Living.

El Valle.

Honoring Our Veterans.

My Valley,My Home.

Friends Homepages.

Sites I Like To Fly To.

A Special Message.

Send e-mail to...anj@ezonline.com

This is my buddy Larry, he's a real COIN
he taught me everything!!!

Especially how to set up my camper and lot.
I wish YUNS could meet em, THANKS LARRY!!!

There has been......souls who wandered into my heart