"Haiku", is the Japanese art of verse consisting of three lines equaling seventeen syllables, dealing with life and nature. Recently, Steve, who is an excellent writer for a local newspaper, introduced me to this interesting format and I can't seem to keep my pen in my pocket, "GO FIGURE"

I talk to the walls
But they never answer me
Not even a crack

Never let your mind
Fight a battle of the heart
Just flow without thought

This isn't Kansas
But there are always rainbows
Next time make a wish

Plan for tomorrow
Live today to the fullest
Learn from yesterday

The balance of life
Is man's marriage with nature
All must be equal

Dog without a bark
And writer without a pen
Need not rise this morn

To not accomplish
Is a much better ending
Than never trying

Man who finds success
But never shares what he found
Is not successful

Once you plant a seed
You witness heaven's magic
Of style and grace

In dog eat dog world
The man with true compassion
Will be eaten first

Know what you desire
Work hard to achieve that goal
Cherrish what you have

Except your life's place
Stand for what you believe in
But convey with care

Time to make your move
So grab the bull by his horns
But please wear your gloves

A true diplomat
When asked favorite color
Always answers plaid

Put up a good fight
But try not to get hooked
Just ask my fish friends

Try stir fry today
Take veggies and just add meat
If you're not chicken

This is quite enough
Seems I am getting silly
Plus my pen went dry